Ballot in J&K, Bullets in PoK

2024 • 38min • News • National


Published On: May 23, 2024 - Jammu and Kashmir witnesses a historic voter turnout, with the Srinagar electorate turnout surging from 14.4% in 2019 to 38% this year. Baramulla saw an even more impressive turnout at 56.73%, the highest since 1984. This is in stark contrast to the civil unrest and violence in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. Three decades after Pakistan's proxy war began, the abrogation of Article 370 and subsequent development efforts have bolstered democracy in Jammu and Kashmir. Join Editor News9 Plus, Sandeep Unnithan, as he discusses the future of Kashmir and the impact of these changes with colleague Aditya Raj Kaul and social activist from Kashmir, Javed Baigh. Stay tuned to understand the significance of these developments and what lies ahead for the region.