Farmers Protest 2024

2024 • 3min • International


News9 Plus Decodes the latest developments in the 2024 Indian Farmers' Protest, where more than 200 farm unions are marching to Delhi, calling for a nationwide Grameen Bandh. Explore the roots of this agitation, tracing back the unfulfilled promises of Minimum Support Price in 2021 and the repealed farm laws of 2020, and the key demands of the farmers this time, ranging from MSP guarantees to debt waivers and Land Acquisition Act reintroduction. News9 Plus decodes the complexities surrounding the missing prominent farmer leaders, border sealings, and the inconclusive talks with the Union government. Will this protest mark the beginning of another year-long agitation? Stay tuned for a comprehensive analysis of the situation and its potential impact on the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.