Israel Hamas War: Houthi Heliborne Hijack

2023 • 5min • News • International


Published On: November 22, 2023 - On the 19th of November, Houthi rebels seized control of the Bahamas-registered cargo ship, the Galaxy Leader, in the Red Sea near the Saudi Arabian coast. Footage of the audacious operation was uploaded on social media. The Houthi rebel group, a non-state actor in Northern Yemen, has previously demonstrated its maritime prowess by hijacking ships involved in the Saudi-led coalition conflict. This hijacking, happening during the Israel-Hamas war, underscores Iran's strategy of activating non-state actors, its so-called 'axis of resistance,' against Israel and the US. It directly impacts global trade routes. News9 Plus Editor Sandeep Unnithan explains why this was no ordinary operation.