Why do men kill & chop bodies? Unveiling Motives, Vulnerabilities and the Psyche

2023 • 15min • News • Politics


Published On: June 09, 2023 - The gruesome murder of Saraswati Vaidya, with her body parts boiled in a pressure cooker and fed to stray dogs, has sent shockwaves through the country. Join News9's Neha Khanna in a compelling discussion with psychiatrist Dr Deepak Raheja, social activist Yogita Bhayana, and retired ACP Mumbai, Dhanraj Vanjari, as they explore the motives behind these barbaric acts, decode the vulnerabilities that make women susceptible to such brutal violence, and examine the role of necessary support systems. Are we becoming increasingly apathetic as a society? Gain profound insights into the psychology and societal factors surrounding these chilling murderers by psychopaths.