Why Elon Musk Hates EVMs
2024 • 39min • International
Published On: June 18, 2024 - Maverick entrepreneur Elon Musk dived headlong into the decades old Indian controversy. Can Electronic Voting Machines be hacked. Musk claims that it is possible but the Indian govt has dismissed the charges. The EVMs are self-contained units and unlike EVMs used in other countries via internet, these are impenetrable. Therefore, the technology needs to be understood rather than indulging in political slugfest. Analysing the latest internet storm is News9 Plus Editor Sandeep Unnithan, along with colleague Justin Thomas, TS Krishnamurhy, Former Chief of Election Commissioner and Professor Prabhu Rajagopal, IIT Madras. Don’t miss this crucial discussion and don’t forget to like, share and subscribe for more such topical and intellectually stimulating discussions.