Nerves Of Steel

EP5 : Battle Of Longewala

2022 • 11min • 1 Season • National • Defence

Patriotic • Inspiring

Outnumbered and surrounded by a Pakistani armored brigade, 120 men of the 23 Punjab hold their ground at Longewala in 1971. The IAF swoops into action the next day. Jaisalmer is saved. History is made.

Season 1

1. Battle Of Karachi
Episode 1 | 12min
2. INS Vikrant: The Bangladesh Brahmastra
Episode 2 | 19min
3. Operation X : The Indian Navy's Covert War in East Pakistan
Episode 3 | 6min
4. Battle Of Basantar
Episode 4 | 12min
5. Battle Of Longewala
Episode 5 | 11min