Brand Families of Bharat

EP1 : Biscuits to Billions

2023 • 16M • 1 Season • Business


Brand Parle cuts across generations of Indians who have adored its many manifestations across retail shelves. From the humble Parle-G to the ambitious cola Thums Up, and an idea ahead of its time - Bisleri, the story of these brands is as unique as the story of the Chauhan family.

Season 1

1. Biscuits to Billions
Episode 1 | 16min
2. Kickstarting A Revolution
Episode 2 | 14min
3. Legacy of Luxury
Episode 3 | 14min
4. Industry Unlocked
Episode 4 | 16min
5. Ingenuity, Immunity & Inertia
Episode 5 | 15min
6. The Incognito Empire
Episode 6 | 14min