Business Plus

EP1 : 16-01-2023: Business Plus

2023 • 11min • 1 Season • News • Business


The rich get richer, but should a wealth tax axe the billionaire laissez-faire? Inflation cools off amid strong macros, and startups stare at a funding winter even as some see an inflated bottom line. This is Business Plus - your definitive edge to business and economy.

Season 1

1. 16-01-2023: Business Plus
Episode 1 | 11min
2. 17-01-2023: Business Plus
Episode 2 | 12min
3. 18-01-2023: Business Plus
Episode 3 | 12min
4. 19-01-2023: Business Plus
Episode 4 | 13min
5. 20-01-2023: Business Plus
Episode 5 | 9min