2023: The Take-Off Year

EP2 : Defence: Counter The Dragon

2023 • 10min • 1 Season • Defence

Patriotic • Feel-good • Inspiring

In recent times, troops from India and China have clashed at Doklam, Ladakh and Arunachal. Is there a larger design behind Xi Jinping's expansionist ways? The episode talks about innovative ways to counter the Chinese threat in 2023.

Season 1

1. G 20 Summit India's Ascendency
Episode 1 | 11min
2. Defence: Counter The Dragon
Episode 2 | 10min
3. Economy: Will India beat the recession?
Episode 3 | 9min
4. Technology: 5G Rising
Episode 4 | 10min
5. Auto: The year of green wheels
Episode 5 | 12min
6. Politics: The 2024 Semi-Finals?
Episode 6 | 11min
7. Health: Making India pandemic-proof
Episode 7 | 12min
7. India's Multi-Sport Moment
Episode 7 | 9min
9. Can Hindi films buck the trend this year?
Episode 9 | 11min