The Dark Side of AI

EP1 : The Dark Side of the Boon

2023 • 12M • 1 Season • Technology


Amid growing excitement around AI and bots, there's a creeping feeling of a real and present danger about the future of jobs and businesses. Also, how much intelligence can we trust AI with? Is a 'Terminator' like scenario becoming all too real?

Season 1

1. The Dark Side of the Boon
Episode 1 | 12min
2. Deepfakes are More Real than Ever
Episode 2 | 11min
3. Why India Needs a Policy Framework to Curb AI Misuse
Episode 3 | 11min
4. Deepfakes: Tarring the Stars
Episode 4 | 11min
5. Deepfake Polls
Episode 5 | 7min